Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Who Do You Think You Are? Nobody? Don't Care Then!

I was flicking through our BT Vision V-box™ with my wife the other day looking for something previously recorded to watch (like there's nothing else to do). I was struck by the reaction I got when I suggested we watch Kim Katrell's episode of Who Do You Think You Are?

"I don't know who she is so I'm not really interested in watching that one."

Now, is this not a slightly odd response considering the programme has nothing really to do with what the "celebrity" in question actually does/represents? Why should one be more compelled to watch an hour on the family history of somebody famous instead of say Bob from down the road? Very curious human behaviour. There's absolutely no reason why a famous person's family history sould be more interesting. Is there?

Perhaps I should start a campaign to get the BBC to run the next series on "nobodies" but the problem with that is it would probably become a series on "wannabees".

Hmmm, is this blog becoming a Spice Girls song? Sorry, better stop.