Thursday, 29 August 2013

30th May 1979

I have just sat procrastinating at my screen for about an hour wondering what I could start to do to resurrect my right brain creative thinking. Something a little structured (as I'm not that creative) to server as the beginning of something new and hopefully interesting and take me on new and exciting journeys (of the mind mostly). I went through a few options in my head. I won't bore you with the details yet but they ranged from being "more of the same" or "beyond my abilities/laziness".

So, the idea I've hit upon is to take a leaf out of JJ Abrams book (well, film) and do an intelligent reboot. Not this time of a already successful long running science fiction franchise but instead of my entire life. Now, this might sound a little drastic and I'm exaggerating a little.

Internal monologue: Hurry up, they're getting bored!

I was born on 30th May 1979 so my plan is to write each blog on each day of my life so far looking at what happened on each day. I'll simply Google for the date and see what things come up in the first hit. Then I'll write some stuff and see where this takes me. Sounds like a plan. Off we go... tells me that on this day Nottingham Forest won the 24th Europe Cup 1 at Munich. Not being a football fan in the slightest this is not the greatest of starts to this new endeavour but I shall avoid at least making any silly comments about how is it possible for a forest to win anything, oops. Bizarrely this is my third connection to Munich in a week.