Monday, 31 December 2007

Observations from a Window

So, here I am sitting at my desk looking out onto a gloomy last day of 2007. It's been a good year for me though there's plenty about this world I still don't understand. For instance, as I gaze aimlessly into my residential car park I spot the "No dog fouling" sticker that adorns a solitary lamppost creaking in the wind. Now, I don't have a problem with this being here but I do question why the sticker is placed about 1.5 metres up the pole. Now, I know dogs come in all shapes and sizes but I've never met one that tall. The only one that springs to mind was Digby and to the best of my knowledge he was fictional. Even if he wasn't I doubt he'd notice the sign either. How can we expect our village streets to remain clean if we're failing at the first hurdle to get the message out to the relevant audience. Anybody fancy starting a campaign to get stickers places at dog's eye level. No? Me neither.

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